According to our code of ethics, journalists have no business participating in the field of politics. Staff members must vote, of course, but they must avoid any actions that would cast doubt on their impartiality as staff or that of Prime 9ja Online.
Staff members may not:
- Endorse candidates
- Donate to or raise funds for any political cause or politician.
- Seek public office
- Wear campaign buttons
- March or rally in support of public causes or movements
But that doesn't imply that our reporters and editors don't care passionately about subject areas just because they aren't involved in political events. We thus admonish them to be conscious of their own biases and to take into account what someone holding a different viewpoint would believe about the subjects they are discussing. Our method of reporting is around fairly and in-depth phrasing and defining different points of view.
Our reputation for independence is based on the public's confidence in our ability to complete our work without meddling or overt bias.