At Prime 9ja Online, we strive for accuracy in our news reporting. However, mistakes can happen, and false information may be inadvertently published. When such errors occur, our main priority is to rectify them as quickly as possible to ensure that our readers receive the correct and reliable information.
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Unlike traditional print newspapers where stories exist in a fixed form, online stories have the advantage of being constantly updated. This means that we have a wider window of opportunity to address and correct any inaccuracies. Our commitment to accuracy and transparency is reflected in the following methods we employ to address issues and potential problems with our stories:
Writethru Correction:
This method is used to make factual or phrasing adjustments to a story. If an error is identified within approximately 24 hours of a story being published, we promptly issue a Writethru Correction. This is particularly effective for online stories, where the story is still accessible and being read by our audience. The Correction note is provided either at the bottom (for online readers) or at the top (for print readers) of the updated version, clearly specifying the nature and location of the error. We ensure that the Correction note is written in clear and easily understandable language, without using journalistic jargon.
For example:
"This is an updated version of the story. In a previous edition, Raphael Bruhwiler's surname was misspelt."
A Corrective is used to address and rectify previously published inaccuracies. It serves the purpose of acknowledging and correcting the error, setting the record straight. Correctives are only issued when the information has been verified and proven to be incorrect. We are committed to providing accurate and reliable information to our readers, and Correctives play a vital role in ensuring the integrity of our reporting.
Legal Considerations:
When correcting a story, certain legal considerations may arise. To minimize any legal risks, detailed information related to legal issues should not be included in the publishable Correction note. Instead, a separate non-publishable document can be used for internal reference. Editors can make a note on the story to indicate the presence of a legal issue, using concise and truthful language to maintain the agency's legal position.
For example:
"LEGAL: The identification of the driver of the pickup truck was removed for legal reasons."
Additionally, the standard publishable Correction note should be included in the story to inform online readers about the changes made, without any mention of legal issues.
Other Considerations:
Writethru Corrections should be provided with the same code as the original story they are correcting, ensuring that they reach the same clients who received the incorrect version. To notify clients of significant Corrections, advisories can be sent via standard wires for newspaper and broadcast clients, or through email for online clients. These advisories should use the same coding and index categories as the original story, along with an Advisories index.
At Prime 9ja Online, we are committed to delivering accurate and reliable news to our readers. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in our continuous efforts to maintain the highest standards of journalism. If you have any concerns or feedback regarding our corrections and updates process, please feel free to contact us.