The organisers of the popular reality TV show, BBNaija, have announced the commencement of auditions for its ninth season. In a departure from previous formats, this season introduces a new twist: contestants will need a partner to enter the BBNaija house. The announcement, made on BBNaija's Instagram page on Tuesday, depicted season 9 as a quest for dynamic duos who love the show and can heighten the excitement in Biggie's house.
Auditions for BBNaija season 9 are set to begin on Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. As of press time, the end date for the audition application has not been disclosed. Interested and eligible candidates are required to record and upload a 3-minute video explaining to Big Brother why 'they both' should be in the house together.
According to the organisers, candidates must audition as a pair, providing descriptions of themselves, their origins, personalities, favourite things, likes, dislikes, unique traits, and how these attributes may contribute to their success on the show.
Contestants are instructed to visit Africa Magic TV/Big Brother to submit their videos and provide additional information. The application is open to individuals above 21 with valid identification documents.
The show's eighth season, known as All-Stars, commenced on 23 July 2023 and concluded on 1 October. Ilebaye Odiniya emerged as the winner, walking away with a grand prize of N120 million. With the auditions for the ninth season now underway, viewers eagerly anticipate the dynamic duos who will bring a fresh wave of excitement to the BBNaija house.