The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine began with a full-scale invasion by Russia in February 2022. Moscow has stated that its program of bringing children from Ukraine into Russian territory aims to protect orphans and children who have been abandoned due to the turmoil in the conflict zone.
However, Ukraine has disputed Russia's claims, asserting that many children have been unlawfully deported. Furthermore, the United States has alleged that thousands of children have been forcefully removed from their homes in the midst of the conflict.
The majority of the movement of people and children took place in the early months of the war, before Ukraine launched a significant counteroffensive in late August to reclaim the occupied territories in the eastern and southern regions.
In July 2022, the United States estimated that Russia had "forcibly deported" around 260,000 children. On the other hand, Ukraine's Ministry of Integration of Occupied Territories has reported that approximately 19,492 Ukrainian children are currently regarded as illegally deported.
The situation regarding the displacement and relocation of children from the conflict zones in Ukraine remains a contentious issue, with conflicting narratives and claims from different sources. As the conflict continues, it is essential to prioritise the welfare and well-being of the affected children, ensuring their safety, protection, and access to necessary support services.