However, in an exclusive interview with Prime 9ja Online in Dutse, Governor Namadi, also known as Danmodi, revealed that President Bola Tinubu has been in consultation with the governors. He emphasised that when the list is finally revealed, it will not cause any disputes among the governors.
"Of course, governors were carried along. Yes, we were carried along. Certainly, Nigerians can expect a list that would not cause any rancour amongst us," he stated.
During the interview, the governor addressed various issues, including the much-talked-about "calculator" phenomenon associated with Jigawa State, due to its former governor being known as 'Mr. Calculator.' Governor Namadi clarified that the calculator symbolises the judicious and prudent use of the state's resources for the overall benefit of the public.
"The problem is that people are misperceiving what this calculator thing truly means. The calculator is to ensure the judicious use of resources, and that there is value for money. To ensure that every kobo is accounted for and as much as possible, this government would try to do what is right for the people," he explained.
He further emphasised that the money allocated to the state is meant to be spent for the welfare of the people, and there is no reason to withhold it. The state has maintained prudence in managing its finances, ensuring that salaries are paid on time and pensions are promptly disbursed.
"The money is meant to be spent for the benefit of the people and there is no reason why you'll keep the money. Even for the past government, it is not so that the money has been kept but we’ve been prudent. That is why you can see that for the last eight years, on the 25th of every month, Jigawa State will pay a salary and on the 10th of the following month, we pay a pension. This process is continuing; we have paid the salary already and you know the FAAC is not out yet but we have paid," Governor Namadi assured.