In her statement, Ms Ngige highlighted that the Nigerian government was dedicated to providing a sustainable platform for cooperation that would benefit both countries. She also revealed that plans were underway for activities that would further deepen the relationship.
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Upcoming Trade Expo
Part of the collaboration includes an upcoming trade expo titled 'China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE),' scheduled to hold in Changsha, Hunan, China, between June 29 and July 2. Ms Ngige expressed the strategic importance of the upcoming expo for Africa and Asia, as it would improve collaborations and deepen economic relationships.
Export Trading House in China
In addition, Ms Ngige announced that ahead of the expo, the Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC) would launch an Export Trading House in China between April 19 and April 22. This move is expected to facilitate trade and investment opportunities between the two countries.
Mutually Beneficial Relationship
Ms Ngige noted that the relationship between Nigeria and China had been cordial and mutually beneficial. She cited agriculture, manufacturing, education, health, tourism, industry, mining, and skills development as some of the sectors in which both countries had enjoyed mutually beneficial bilateral trade and economic cooperation.
Trade Volume
Furthermore, Ms Ngige highlighted that Nigeria had continued to be China's number one trading partner in Africa, with the volume of trade between the two countries standing at over $12.03 billion in 2021, representing an increase of 7.1 per cent from 2020.
The reaffirmation of Nigeria's commitment to strengthening its trade relationship with China demonstrates the importance of international cooperation in achieving economic growth and development. The upcoming CAETE expo and the launch of the Export Trading House in China are significant steps towards facilitating trade and investment opportunities between the two countries. As both countries continue to explore areas of mutual interest, the trade volume is expected to increase further, resulting in a mutually beneficial relationship.