The vigilante commander of the area, Adamu Abubakar Fiya-Fiya, said the woman was arrested in possession of two goats suspected to have been stolen, and that she lived in another area but came to the area mainly to steal goats and chickens.
According to Fiya-Fiya, they had launched an operation to arrest the culprits after receiving several complaints from people that their goats were stolen. "We traced and arrested her with two goats. She is coming from the Rimin Kebe area of Nasarawa LGA which is far away from here," he said.
The woman, whose name was withheld, confessed to the crime, saying "Honestly, it is an act of the devil, but I have realized my mistake. I steal goats and chickens. I am coming here from Rimin Kebe."
The vigilante commander stated that they would hand her over to the police. The theft of goats and chickens is a recurring problem in many parts of Nigeria, and residents have often called on the authorities to take measures to address the issue.
While theft is a criminal offence, some people in rural areas have resorted to stealing livestock as a means of survival due to the economic hardship in the country. However, stealing livestock is a punishable offence, and those caught in the act can face prosecution.
Residents in the area have commended the vigilantes for their swift response in apprehending the suspect and urged them to continue to work with the police to ensure the safety of their communities.
The police have also called on members of the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. They have assured residents that they would continue to work with the vigilantes to maintain law and order in the state.