The move by Davido has left his fans speculating as to the reason behind his sudden retreat from social media. The singer has been relatively inactive on social media since the death of his three-year-old son, Ifeanyi, on October 30, 2022. The tragic incident left the star and his fiancé, Chioma, devastated and caused Davido to cancel several scheduled performances.
Davido has always been very open about his love for his children and his relationship with Chioma. He regularly shares pictures and videos of them on his social media pages. However, since the loss of his son, the singer has retreated into himself, spending more time with his family and taking a break from his usual public appearances.
The singer made his first public appearance since his son's death at the swearing-in ceremony of his uncle, Ademola Adeleke, as the Osun State governor, on November 27. Davido's return to social media was also marked by a few posts, including mushy pictures with his fiancé, Chioma, before his performance at the closing ceremony of the 2022 FIFA World Cup on December 18.
The deletion of Davido's Instagram posts and profile picture has sparked a wave of concern among his fans. Many have taken to social media to express their worries and speculate about the reason behind the singer's sudden retreat from social media.
Davido is one of Nigeria's most successful musicians, with a career spanning over a decade. He has won numerous awards for his music and has collaborated with several international artists. He is also known for his philanthropy and activism, having been involved in several campaigns to promote social justice and equality in Nigeria.
Despite the recent tragedy, Davido remains one of Nigeria's most beloved artists. His music continues to resonate with fans both at home and abroad, and his loyal fan base has shown him unwavering support during this difficult time.
As of now, Davido has not made any public statement about the reason behind his decision to delete his Instagram posts and profile picture. Fans will have to wait and see if the star returns to social media in the near future and if he will share any updates about his personal life or upcoming projects.