Haruna gave the assurance while speaking to newsmen on Thursday in Abuja. According to a statement by the PDP Presidential Campaign Council, Haruna noted that Christians played a key role in the electoral success of President Muhammadu Buhari in 2015 and were at liberty to take their destinies into their hands by voting massively for Atiku in the forthcoming elections.
Haruna praised Atiku for exhibiting remarkable affinity and respect for all segments of religious groups in Nigeria throughout his career in government and politics.
He described the presidential candidate of the PDP as a special breed Nigerian, who had integrated himself, his business and his family with every part of the country.
Haruna emphasized that religious tolerance and respect for the secular status of the constitution would become a key focus of reintegration and unifying Nigerians in a federal government with Atiku as president.
He also added that with Atiku as president, Christians in Nigeria have nothing to fear, and no group or set will be discriminated against.
The statement by the PDP Presidential Campaign Council comes ahead of the February 25 and March 11 general elections in Nigeria, which have been marked by high tensions and fears of violence.