The unstable Bawku village is being evacuated by dozens of individuals as a result of recent chieftaincy disputes, which have claimed the lives of 18 people and destroyed property worth thousands of cedis in just two weeks.
The Municipal Security Council (MUSEC) has requested further security reinforcement to supplement the efforts of the officers on the ground since Bawku has been attacked by unidentified gunmen.
MUSEC would take every precaution to safeguard people & property, according to Hamza Amadu, the municipal chief executive for Bawku.
There have been 18 fatalities so far. Following the deaths, people are now living in fear. As a result, we are aware of people leaving the town.
But we want to reassure the citizens that we are not slacking off. We are making every effort to safeguard people and property.
The National Peace Council has also called on the two squabblings Bawku factions to make a commitment to reestablishing the region's long-standing peace.
In light of the ongoing dispute between the Mamprusis and Kusasis in the region, it called on the Kusasis in particular to reverse their decision to leave the Inter-Ethnic Peace Committee (BIEPC).
Due to the failure of all attempts to find a resolution to the situation in Bawku, the Kusasis withdrew from the committee.
The committee was tasked with initiating frank and productive conversation among all Bawku residents.