According to UNFPA, the Kaduna administration and it are collaborating to increase access to family planning services for women and teenagers throughout the state.
Audu Alayande, a representative of the UNFPA in Kaduna, said as much in a Tuesday interview.
According to Mr. Alayande, the UNFPA is currently assisting the state's medical facilities in offering family planning and other reproductive health services.
“We are working on increasing the range and availability of family planning commodities to marginalised groups in line with reproductive rights. UNFPA has supported a planning meeting with critical stakeholders and government agencies on the dissemination of the national guidelines for state procurement of family planning commodities,” the UNFPA official explained.
He revealed that the UN agency “supported the conduct of the Family Planning Advocacy Technical Working Group meeting attended by religious and traditional leaders, development partners and government agencies.”
The official said the deliberation was on the key challenges in family planning procurement funding, last-mile distribution and stock-out of contraceptives.
He said stakeholders have resolved to engage all avenues of government to address the challenge.
Mr Alayande commended the state government for creating a budget line for family planning, saying that UNFPA would continue to work with the government to ensure the timely release of the funds to procure required commodities.
He also said UNFPA was equally implementing an intervention in school to equip young people with adequate reproductive health information before leaving school.
“We call it family health education both at the primary and secondary school level so that students can access the required information to face the future and the challenges of health and reproductive health,” he added. “The messages are tailored to their level of education based on what they need to know at each level.”