Obi Iyiegbu, a wealthy businessman also known as Obi Cubana, has joined a number of Nigerians in expressing their shock at the passing of well-known auto dealer IVD's wife, Bimbo.
The terrible situation, which was purportedly caused by years of domestic abuse, inspired the business mogul to share some words of wisdom on social media.
Obi Cubana wrote in an Instagram post that avoiding violence is preferable to being labelled a loser or coward for backing down.
His words: “Dear Youth!!! Today, I’m here to offer advice. Whatever the circumstance, Whatever the situation, NEVER raise your hands on a fellow human!!! Wife; husband; boyfriend; girlfriend; child; house help; staff, whoever. Be a “coward”…..walk away!!! Be the “loser”……walk away!!! Be the “weak one”……walk away!!!
“Domestic violence is a NO NO!!! Office or workplace violence or abuse is a NO NO!!! Nobody deserves to be ever raised hands upon……NOBODY!!!! Hold your anger, swallow your pride.” he wrote.