Yesterday evening, faculty presidents met with the outgoing and friendly Vice-Chancellor, Professor Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, and the hardworking Dean of Students Affairs, Professor Musa Obalola, to present some of the issues to them bedeviling the students this period.
These issues included:
1. To extend the date for examination in all faculties, including the faculty of education by at least a whole week
2. To permit the usage of power for students during the day in the different hostels
3. Extension of the time frame for registration and editing of courses
4. To make life more comfortable for bonafide and others in the various halls of residence at this time
The Vice Chancellor out of his own kind heart acceded to all requests;
✅ The new date for examination in all faculties will now be Monday 5th of December, 2022 instead 28th of November, 2022 as previously announced
✅ Power supply in the hostels will now run from 3 pm to 8 am daily instead of 6 pm to 8 am
✅ Registration for courses will now take place fully into the first week of November.
The DSA on the other hand has made a promise to make sure that students be treated kindly in the different halls of residence, bonafide and squatters alike.
Work is ongoing and would be fully reflective in the next few days as it regards the comfort and welfare of students on campus.
After permitting all the student's requests, the Vice Chancellor made a special request, that all students of the University join him by 7 am today at the Sports Center to have a walk of life
We encourage students to make out time to join the Walk of Life as a mark of respect and love for the VC and as a sign of being true.
A happy and fruitful resumption, from all the Faculty Presidents.