The video game, which asks participants to recognize a brief segment of a mystery track, won't alter, according to the streaming giant.
The popular five-letter word guessing game Wordle, which the New York Times (NYT) acquired in January, served as the basis for Heardle.
However, some Heardle supporters have been responding to issues that have arisen since its sale by using four-letter slurs.
Problems with game statistics were frequently brought up.
Brendan Hay, a writer, wrote on Twitter, "Heardle, and my Heardle metrics, have been a regular source of modest daily joy for me. So, naturally, Spotify had to wreck that by taking over and removing my old stats.
Spotify's Jeremy Erlich commented, "We are continuously exploring for novel and fun ways to improve music discovery and help artists meet new fans."
Heardle has shown to be a wonderfully entertaining way to introduce millions of fans to both new songs and songs they already know and love.
TechCrunch claims that the purchase was a "strategic" decision.
According to SimilarWeb statistics, 41 million individuals visited Heardle's website in the previous month.
Following its acquisition of Wordle for a modest seven-figure fee, the New York Times garnered tens of millions of new users, according to the technology news website.